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Makerere University, through the Department of Geography, Geoinformatics and ClimaticSciences and the School of Social Sciences & Makerere University Business School, incollaboration with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), University ofStavanger (Norway), University of Juba (South Sudan) and Technical University of Kenya(Kenya) received a grant from NORAD under NORHED II projects to implement […]

Makerere University staff have been urged to embrace collaboration, accountability, and capacity building as key strategies for winning grants under the Makerere University Research and Innovation Fund (RIF). Speaking on the second day of the CHUSS CERTL International Conference at Fairway Hotel  on 15th November 2024, Prof. Fred Masagazi-Masaazi, Chair of the Mak RIF Grants […]

Makerere University College of Health Science, School of Public Health (MakSPH) and College of Business and Management, School of Statistics and Planning (MakSSP) with funding from the Impact Evaluation for Evidence Based Decisions (IEED) project invite suitable candidates to apply for the HEST University graduate internship programme. About the program The HEST Graduate Internship Programme […]