2026/2027 Academic Year 

  • Fresher’s Orientation: Saturday 1st August to Friday 7th August 2026 (7 days)
  • Semester One: Saturday 1st August to Sunday 29th November 2026 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Sunday 29th November 2026 to Saturday 16th January 2027
  • 77th Graduation Week: Monday 11th to Friday 15th January 2027 (5 days)
  • Semester Two: Saturday 16th January to Sunday 16th May 2027 (17 weeks)

2025/2026 Academic Year 

  • Fresher’s Orientation: Saturday 23rd August to Friday 29th August 2025 (7 days)
  • Semester One: Saturday 23rd August to Sunday 21st December 2025 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Sunday 21st December 2025 to Saturday 17th January 2026
  • 76th Graduation Week: Monday 12th to Friday 16th January 2026 (5 days)
  • Semester Two: Saturday 17th January to Sunday 17th May 2026 (17 weeks)

2024/2025 Academic Year 

  • Fresher’s Orientation: Saturday 3rd August to Friday 9th August 2024 (7 days)
  • Semester One: Saturday 3rd August to Sunday 8th December 2024 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Sunday 8th December 2024 to Saturday 18th January 2025
  • 75th Graduation Week: Monday 13th to Friday 17th January 2025 (5 days)
  • Semester Two: Saturday 18th January to Sunday 15th June 2025 (17 weeks)

2023/2024 Academic Year 

  • Fresher's Orientation: Friday 20th August 2023 to Friday 25th August 2023 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday: 26th August 2023 to Sunday 10th December 2023 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday 24th December 2023 to Saturday 13th January 2024 (2 weeks)
  • 74th Graduation Week: Monday 29th January to Friday 2nd February 2024 (5 days)
  • Semester Two: Saturday 13th January 2024 to Sunday 12th May 2024 (14 weeks )

2022/2023  Academic Year

  • Continuing Students  report on Saturday 8th October 2022, lectures begin on Monday 10th October 2022.
  • Freshers report on Saturday 15th October 2022, lectures begin on Monday 17th October 2022. College orientations will be held concurrently with lectures.
  • Semester One:Saturday 8th October 2022 to Saturday 5th February 2023  (17 weeks)
  • 73rd Graduation Week: Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February 2023 (5 days)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Sunday 6th February 2023 to Sunday 19th February 2023 (2 weeks)
  • Semester Two: Saturday 18th February 2023 to Sunday 18th June 2023 (17 weeks )
  • Recess Term Saturday: 18th June 2023 to Saturday 20th August 2023 (9 weeks )

2021/2022 Academic Year

  • Fresher's Orientation: Saturday 29th January to Friday: 4th February 2022 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday 5th February 2022 to Saturday 15th May 2022 (14 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday 15th May 2022 to Saturday 28th May 2022 (2 weeks)
  • 72nd Graduation Week: Monday 23rd to Friday 27th May 2022 (5 days)
  • Semester Two: Monday 30th May 2022 to Sunday 4th September 2022 (14 weeks )

2020/2021 Academic Year

  • Fresher's Orientations Saturday: 30th January to Friday: 5th February 2021 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday: 6th February 2021 to Saturday 8th May 2021 (13 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday: 8th May 2021 to Saturday 15th May 2021 (1 week)
  • Semester Two: Saturday: 15th May 2021 to Saturday 14th August 2021 (13 weeks )
  • Recess Term Saturday: 14th August 2021 to Saturday 11th September 2021 (4 weeks )
  • 71st Graduation Week: Monday: 17th May 2021 to Friday 21st May 2021. The Schedule for graduation is as follows:

Monday, 17th  May, 2021

  • School of Law
  • College of Health Sciences
  • College of Natural Sciences

Tuesday, 18th May, 2021

  • College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
  • College of Education and External Studies

Wednesday, 19th May, 2021

  • College of Business and Management Sciences
  • College of Computing and Information Sciences
  • College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Bio-security

Thursday, 20th May, 2021

  • Makerere University Business School

Friday, 21st MAY, 2021

  • College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology
  • College of Humanities and Social Sciences

2019/2020  Academic Year 

  • Fresher's Orientations Saturday: 3rd August 2019 to Friday: 9th August 2019 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday: 10th August 2019 to Saturday 7th December 2019 (17 weeks)
  • Fees Policy: 30th August 2019 - Deadline of at least UGX 200,000 payment by all continuing students beyond which a surcharge of UGX 20,000 shall be levied.
  • Fees Policy: 18th October 2019 (end of 10th week) - Deadline of free enrolment beyond which UGX 50,000 will be levied
  • Fees Policy: 1st November 2019 (end of 12th week) - Deadline for fees payment beyond which a surcharge of 5% on the outstanding balance will be levied
  • Semester One Examinations: 18th November 2019 to 7th December 2019 (3 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday: 7th December 2019 to Friday 17th January 2020 (6 weeks)
  • Semester Two: Saturday: 18th January 2020 to Saturday 16th May 2020 (17 weeks )
  • Semester Two was interrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic which led to the halting of academic activities on Friday 20th March 2020 in line with the Presidential directive.
  • Semester Two Examinations: 16th November 2020 to 21st December 2020 (5 weeks)
  • Recess Semester: January 2021 (4 weeks )
  • 70th Graduation Week: Tuesday: 14th January 2020 to Friday 17th January 2020

2018/2019  Academic Year

  • Fresher's Orientations Saturday: 4th August 2018 to Friday: 10th August 2018 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday: 11th August 2018 to Saturday 8th December 2018 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday: 8th December 2018 to Friday 18th January 2018 (6 weeks)
  • Semester Two: Saturday: 19th January 2019 to Saturday 18th May 2019 (17 weeks )
  • Recess Term Saturday: 18th May 2019 to Saturday 27th July 2019 (10 weeks )
  • 69th Graduation Week: Tuesday: 15th January 2019 to Friday 18th January 2019

2017/2018  Academic Year

  • Fresher's Orientations Saturday :12th August 2017 to Friday: 18th August 2017 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday: 19th August 2017 to Saturday 16th December 2017 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday: 16th December 2017 to Friday 19th January 2018 (6 weeks)
  • Semester Two: Saturday: 20th January 2018 to Saturday 19th May 2018 (17 weeks )
  • Recess Term Saturday: 19th May 2018 to Saturday 28th July 2018 (10 weeks )
  • 68th Graduation Week: Tuesday: 16th January 2018 to Friday 19th January 2018 

2016/2017  Academic Year

  • Continuation of Semester One: Monday 2nd January 2017 to 19th February 2017
  • Semester One Residential Break: Monday 20th February 2016 to Friday 26th February 2017 (1 week)
  • Semester Two: Saturday 25th February 2017 to Saturday 24th June 2017 (17 weeks)
  • Recess Term: Saturday 24th June 2017 to Saturday 12th August 2017 (7 weeks) 
  • 67th Graduation Week: Tuesday: 21st February 2017 to Friday 24th February 2017

2015/2016  Academic Year

  • Fresher's Orientations Saturday :15th August 2015 to Friday: 21st August 2015 (7 days )
  • Semester One: Saturday: 22nd August 2015 to Saturday 19th December 2015 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday: 19th December 2015 to Friday 29th January 2016 (6 weeks)
  • Semester Two: Saturday: 30th January 2016 to Saturday 28th May 2016 (17 weeks )
  • Recess Term Saturday: 28th May 2016 to Saturday : 6th August 2016 (10 weeks )
  • 66th Graduation Week: Tuesday: 19th January 2016 to Friday 22nd January 2016 

2014/2015  Academic Year

  • Freshers' Orientation Week: Saturday 16th August, 2014 to Friday 22nd August, 2014 (7 days)
  • Semester One: Saturday 23rd August, 2014 to Saturday 20th December, 2014 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday 20th December, 2014 to Friday 30th January, 2015 (6 weeks)
  • 65th Graduation: Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd January, 2015.
  • Semester Two: Saturday 31st January, 2015 to Saturday 30th May, 2015.   (17 weeks)
  • Recess Term: Saturday 30th May, 2015 to Saturday 8th  August, 2015 (10 weeks)

2013/2014  Academic Year

  • Semester Two: Saturday 8th Febraury, 2014 to Saturday 7th June, 2014.   (17 weeks)
  • Recess Term: Saturday 7th June, 2014 to Saturday 16th  August, 2014 (10 weeks)

2012/2013  Academic Year

  • Orientation Week: Saturday 11th August, 2012 to Friday 17th August, 2012 (7days)
  • Semester One: Saturday 18th August, 2012 to Saturday 15th December, 2012 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Vacation: Saturday15th December, 2012 to 26th January, 2013
  • 63rd Graduation: Monday 21st to Friday, 25th January, 2013.
  • Semester Two: Saturday 26th January, 2013 to Saturday 25th May, 2013.   (17 weeks)
  • Semester Two Vacation:     Saturday 25th May,  2013 to Saturday 17th August, 2013
  • Recess Term: Saturday 25th May, 2013 to Saturday 3rd  August, 2013 (10.weeks)

2014/2015  Academic Year

  • Freshers' Orientation Week: Saturday 16th August, 2014 to Friday 22nd August, 2014 (7 days)
  • Semester One: Saturday 23rd August, 2014 to Saturday 20th December, 2014 (17 weeks)
  • Semester One Holiday Break: Saturday 20th December, 2014 to Friday 30th January, 2015 (6 weeks)
  • 65th Graduation: Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd January, 2015.
  • Semester Two: Saturday 31st January, 2015 to Saturday 30th May, 2015.   (17 weeks)
  • Recess Term: Saturday 30th May, 2015 to Saturday 8th  August, 2015 (10 weeks)