St. Francis Chapel (Anglicans and Protestants)
- Service held every Sunday at these times
- English Service: 7:00am, 9:00am and 11:00am
- Lugbara Service: 1:00pm
- Youth Service: 4:00pm
St. Francis Chapel is located behind the Main Administration Building
St. Augustine Chapel (Roman Catholics)
- Holy Mass for Roman Catholics runs every Sunday at these times
- First Mass: 7:00am
- Second Mass: 9:00am
- Third Mass: 11:00am
- Fourth Mass: 5:00pm
St. Augustine Chapel is located behind the Main Administration Building
University Mosque (Muslims)
- Juma (Congregational) Prayers are conducted five times every day
- Juma Prayers 1:00pm (Fridays)
The University Mosque is located near the Main Gate