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The European Union (EU), under its Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, has provided funding to support training of graduate students in African universities. The “Partnership to Strengthen Graduate Training and Research Capacity for Developing Climate Smart Agrifood Systems in Central and East Africa (CSAS)”. The project, coordinated by the University of Dschang, is a mobility programme […]

Project Description The Research Capacity Building Unit at the Infectious Diseases Institute Makerere University is seeking two (2) applicants for Infectious Disease Clinical Rotation or Laboratory Placement at Turin University. Eligibility for Masters scholarship Interested candidates must possess or be enrolled in a: The placement includes: Successful candidates: Application Highly motivated individuals planning a career […]

The European University Institute (EUI) and Makerere University Erasmus+ Mobility is a great opportunity for graduate students. The Erasmus+ Mobility Opportunity Grants offer a chance for Makerere University graduate students to participate in academic exchanges, researchcollaborations, and other activities with the EUI in the following disciplines: Economics, History, Law (with a strong focus on International […]