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Makerere University hosted the launch of the “Safer Campuses Campaign,” aimed at shattering the silence surrounding Gender-Based Violence (GBV) across universities in Uganda. The initiative is being piloted at Makerere University and its branch campus in Jinja, Ndejje University, and Kampala International University, in partnership with UNESCO. On 4th October 2024, more than three universities […]
Makerere University through the Department of African Languages, School of Languages, Literature and Communication on 21st February 2024 joined the rest of the world to celebrate the International Mother Language Day. This day is observed every year to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. The celebrations started with the official opening of the Sir […]
661 graduands from the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS) were on 31st January awarded degrees and diplomas in the different disciplines during the 3rd session of Mak 74th Graduation ceremony. Of that total, 626 graduates walked away with undergraduate (Bachelors degrees), 32 with Masters Degrees, 2 with PhDs while 1 got a Post […]