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Experts gathered at Makerere University to strategize on extending mini-grids to rural areas across Africa, with a focus on ensuring reliable, low-cost electricity. The three-day policy dialogue, held from September 10th to 12th, brought together specialists from Africa, the United States, and Europe. Prof. Edward Bbaale, Principal of the College of Business and Management Sciences […]
Introduction In the heart of Luweero District, a transformative initiative is making waves, empowering rural women with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve financial independence. On July 31, 2024, the Financial Awareness and Literacy Leadership (FAAL) project led by Dr. Hellen Namawejje from the Department of Statistical Methods and Actuarial Sciences held a dissemination […]
By Joseph Odoi A Consortium of Researchers from Makerere University School of Public Health/Resilient Africa Network (MakSPH/RAN), Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), Somero Uganda together with Safe Bangle Technologies have rolled out a real time domestic violence reporting bracelet. This roll out was made possible with support from the United States Agency for International Development […]
A TRAINING PROGRAM SPONSORED BY FOGARTY INTERNATIONAL CENTER NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, USA INFORMATIONAL SESSION Makerere University School of Public Health under D43 multi-disciplinary training program in digital mobile technologies to study tuberculosis that was recently funded by the NIH, through the University of Georgia (UGA) has an opportunity for funding of a masters’ research […]
The College of Computing and Information Sciences(CoCIS) is pleased to introduce to you the first biannual newsletter (January- June 2024). The issue highlights major achievements recorded in the period under review. We have made tangible progress towards the achievement of our goals. On behalf of the management of CoCIS, I thank you for your dedicated […]
661 graduands from the College of Computing and Information Sciences (CoCIS) were on 31st January awarded degrees and diplomas in the different disciplines during the 3rd session of Mak 74th Graduation ceremony. Of that total, 626 graduates walked away with undergraduate (Bachelors degrees), 32 with Masters Degrees, 2 with PhDs while 1 got a Post […]