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PhD student position available to develop his/her thesis within the SUPPORT project (funded by EDCTP3): action ‘Supporting the next generation of African researchers on preventing HIV pediatric mortality through a training network’, a highly multidisciplinary, international and competitive training program in pediatrics research. RESEARCH PROJECT: EVALUATION OF THE ACCURACY OF A NEW “SEVERITY BIOMARKER” TO […]

The eRabies project was launched in March 2023 at the Centre for Biosecurity and Global Health, Makerere University. To date, a lot has been realized through several stakeholders working together toward the global goal of eliminating dog-mediated rabies by 2030. This project is a collaboration between Makerere University‘s College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and […]

I am delighted to share with you the progress made by our team over the past year. The Program has been working diligently to strengthen the capacity of the Ugandan Government to implement a regionally centered and district-implemented HIV and TB program through innovation in health information systems, case-based surveillance, monitoring, evaluation, and quality improvement […]